Civil Liability insurance for professional
Every business needs liability insurance. The risks are different from one branch to another. It is advisable to carefully analyze the risks of the company before concluding an insurance contract. The following risks may be covered: facility risk: damage that occurs under the responsibility of the owner or tenant of business premises. Example: a tile falls from the operating building and damages a car parked nearby. Operational risk: damage that occurs during the operation phase of the business. Example: When installing a new washing machine, the installer damages an element of the kitchen that has to be replaced. Product Hazard: Damage caused by defective construction or product design. Example: A component of a coffee machine from the range of the company tends to overheat, which can cause fires. In addition, various specific risks may be included in a contract. However, corporate liability insurance does not cover damage caused by the contractor himself or a member of his family. Professionals, such as doctors, pharmacists or architects, are free to conclude professional liability insurance. It covers the particular risk to their profession.
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