Transport insurance

Insurance for transportation of goods

Every year Switzerland imports, produces and exports goods and services amounting to a value of more than 100 billions of Swiss francs.

Such an important commercial activity also leads to intense transportation of goods and relevant risks. In fact, numerous incidents can occur during transportation, such as theft or deterioration of the goods due to accidents and civil responsibility.

You can prevent enourmeous material damages thanks to the professional management of risks in transportation of goods.
You can insure goods of all bypes, machines, electronic installations or food and beverages.
Inspite of the distance, quality goods must remain fresh at any season. All risks incurred for your goods during the transportation are often immeasurable and imprevisible, not forgetting that rules regarding health and hygiene must be observed, as well as dispositions relative to the export and much more.
The main coverages available (list non exhaustive)

  • Insurance for responsibility linked to transprotation of goods
  • Civil Responsibility for manufacturers
  • Civil Responsibility for intermediaries
  • Responsabilité civile des entrepositaires
  • Civil Responsabilitiy for national and international transportation (CMR)
  • Civil Responsibility of logistic businesses
  • Insurance for goods and values
  • food and beverages
  • values
  • jewelerey & watch industry
  • music collactions
  • Bagages
  • Collections de modèles
  • Conteneur (casco)
  • Pertes d’exploitation et peines contractuelles

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