ACS Travel

ACS Travel

Full security worldwide

Who are the beneficiaries?

The members as well as the individuals living with you

Cancellation fees

You are forced to give up your vacation or are unable to make a trip due to an unexpected situation (serious illness or accident, for example). ACS will take care of the cancellation fees for organized trips, airplane- train or ship- ticket fees, as well as the seasonal accommodation fees, ship- car- or camping-car rentals.

We also insure:

  • Show tickes (except for organized trips)
  • Pension fees for your pets, for a maximum amount of CHF 1,000 for failure of the responsible party

Travel coverage

You are insured worldwide in the event of an accident or serious illness, for example, which would arise during your holiday or during a trip. We take care of expenses relating to the organization of needful procedures in emergency situation, such as for example:

  • Research fees, rescue and transport
  • Return trip expenses or repatriation
  • Examination fees, accommodation fees and restoration fees
  • Services in connection with the stayover that was not utilized



Premium of CHF 178.00 per year, for the member and individuals living in common with the member



Link to official ACS Travel page